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Restoring Vintage Signs in San Jose

2024/4/11 16:34:21


Westside Billiards (San Jose, CA) recently hosted a full-house fundraiser for Preservation Action Council of San Jose (PAC-SJ) to support the restoration of the business’s vintage sign, according to The Mercury News. By the end of the fundraiser, the pool hall  had raised enough to fix up their neon sign. A previous grant from the city of San Jose’s storefront activation program led to the sign being repainted and having its glass repaired, though it still needs work on its incandescent bulb starburst and eight-ball topper.

Heather David, a local architecture expert, ha sled the San Jose Signs Project, a picture guide to some of the area’s iconic signs. At the fundraiser, she highlighted a few signs that she is concerned about, such as Mr. T’s Liquor Locker sign and the Burbank theater marquee. 

Ben Leech, executive director at the PAC-SJ, says that even though the fundraiser met the immediate goal, there is still more to do to provide matching grants for the other businesses. “It would be great if San Jose had an indoor or outdoor museum to display the ones no longer in use, but I’m glad people are working to keep our few remaining examples of classic neon bright and alive,” says Leech. 

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