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Shirt Lab Announces 2022 Summit

2022-03-29 11:16:05


For the third consecutive year in a row, Shirt Lab founders Tom Rauen and Marshall Atkinson announce that they have brought together an incredible lineup of the best and the brightest people for a unique and free online educational experience.

The two-day event will start on Friday, April 1, and continue to Saturday, April 2, 2022.

The 2022 Shirt Lab Summit will be a two-day virtual event and focus on sales, marketing, and operations for the decorated apparel industry. The following 33 experts have come together for a series of fun and engaging interviews:

Day 1 — Bruce Ackerman, Alison Banholzer, Kevin Baumgart, Jay Busselle, Josh Carruth, Shelby Craig, Josh Ellsworth, Charity Gibson, Frank Good, Ross Hunter, Brittany Long, Justin McKibben, Tom Rauen, Kristine Shreve, Joel & Jodi Taylor, and Nick Wood.

Day 2 — Marshall Atkinson, Cory Beal, Jason Berger, Erich Campbell, Terry Combs, Deborah Corn, Mark Coudray, Scott Detavernier, Lori Feldman, Johanna Gottlieb, Joyce Jagger, Mel Lay, Nate Leber, Jeremy Picker, Marc Ray, and Davis Slagle.

Here is the official Shirt Lab Summit 2022 Event Guide.

Shirt Lab Summit is free, but attendees may purchase lifetime access to the videos, transcripts, audio files, other upgrades, or join the Shirt Lab Tribe if they wish.

Register for the Shirt Lab Summit here.

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